Don’t Call Us Unhealthy!!!
“We spend more money on weight loss plans than any other country, yet we are one of the heaviest. It’s time we admitted that we are not getting any healthier.”
According to data by Marketdata Enterprises, a market research firm that specializes in tracking niche industries, Americans spend north of $60 billion annually to try to lose pounds, on everything from paying for gym memberships and joining weight-loss programs to drinking diet soda.
The following are records of Americans’ eating habits, according to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Availability (Per Capita) Data System, or FADS, posted in 2010.
While the nation’s eating habits don’t change all that much from year to year, looking at them over 40 or more years shows some significant changes.
Broadly speaking, we eat a lot more than we used to; the average American consumed 2,481 calories a day in 2010, about 23% more than in 1970.
That’s more than most adults need to maintain their current weight, according to the Mayo Clinic’s calorie calculator. The mayo clinic estimates a 40-year-old man of average height and weight who’s moderately active, for instance, needs 2,400 calories; a 40-year-old woman with corresponding characteristics needs 1,850 calories.
Nearly half of those calories come from just two food groups: flours and grains (581 calories/ 23.4%) and these un-healthy fats and oils (575/ 23.2%). Fruits and vegetables have dropped from 9.2% in 1970 to 7.9% in 2010.
The average American consumes 36 pounds of cooking oils – more than three times as much as in the early 1970s. These cooking oils are not the healthy beneficial fats you will learn about in this program.
In a Pew Research Center’s recent survey on food and nutrition attitudes, 54% of Americans said people in the U.S. pay more attention to eating healthy foods today compared with 20 years ago; however, the same percentage who said Americans’ actual eating habits are less healthy today than they were 20 years ago.
Furthermore, while 73% of Americans said they are focused on healthy and nutritious eating, 58% say that most days they probably should be eating healthier.
Where are we falling short? Is it education or awareness, I would say yes and yes. Though there is talk and education focused around health, it can be confusing with so many opinions and outlets that the average person can get overwhelmed and not know where to start.
As far as awareness, many aren’t sure what truly defines health or is an un-healthy state for them.
Un-healthy doesn’t start with diabetes, obesity, heart disease or cancers; it is a symptom of disconnect with self.
All if this head space knowledge is great but the key reason for the symptom of health neglect is the disconnect with self… You see, self-care and self-connect is the true solution to our health crisis.
Just think about a general day for you. How much intentional living do you implement?
What is intentional living you might ask?
Well, intention living is merely placing thought or mindfulness on your day. Slowing things down from the reactive and taking a more proactive approach.
Some of you may have to do lists and schedules but if you step back and look at the motivating factors in that list or schedule; you might be surprised as to the amount of you is actually woven through it.
I get it, you have expectations, like work or domestics and life moves really fast; but you can set the tempo. If you slow down or allows others to own their responsibilities, I promise the world will not stop spinning on account of you.
As humans we like control, certainty and to be needed. It’s like job security. If life around us couldn’t function without us then we are guaranteed to have love and connection which is a foundational human need.
The desire to be seen, heard, feel safe and loved fuels our every move.
Ironically enough, we can only connect on that deep level with others once we have first connected with ourselves.
All of this brings us back full circle, to the point that obesity, stress and health problems are a symptom of disconnect with self.
In light of this information it is our passion and mission to help you connect with yourself and create that system of intentional living. Systems are not restrictive but yet just the opposite, systems and intentional living are liberating.
Have you ever felt prisoner to your own schedule and the demands of life? The stress and expectations just stack, one on top of the other?!
We get it and we hear you, so here is a lifeline.
We have gotten together with a team of specialists in the field of brain health, general health and psychological health and created a Virtual Brain Health Summit to be your lighthouse.
Our 2020 Brain Health Summit was designed to act as a guided journey walking you via your brain, down a specific intended path crafted by specialists in the field of brain health, general health and psychological health for you to be able to find peace, serenity, ease anxiety, stress and overcome internal challenges like depression, anger management, insomnia, PTSD and even to aid in the recovery of brain injury, Concussions, post-concussion syndrome, stroke and neurological challenges like Autism, ADHD, ADD and more.
It is necessary for you to understand how your brain works, in order for you to work your brain and tap into the most powerful computing device in the world in efforts for you to connect with yourself , craft your own personalized plan and course for implementation with real time techniques to help you live in the present, fulfilled, at peace and connected to those you love.
Discover you and learn how to connect with yourself and live the life you desire to live and experience better health. Stop treating the symptoms or possibly avoiding them all together and deal with the elephant in the room!
We’ve got you! Join Us!